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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 41 до 60 з 190
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2022Peculiarities of modeling Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in the field of educationDanko, Yu.
2022Ksztaltowanie i realizacja polityki mieszkaniowej poprzez administrowanie gminnym zasobem nieruchomosci mieszkaniowychGudz, P.; Chlebowska, A.
2022Priority areas of foreign economic activity regulation in the IT sphereMaievska, T.
2022Formation of elements of the complex management information system for information support of the development of tourist enterprisesStepanova, O.
2022Formation of investment attractiveness of rural areas in conditions of uncertainty of the competitive environmentHotra, V.
2022The formation of marketing mechanisms for managing business development based on predictive analyticsGorodetskiy, Yu.
2022The specifics of organizing an end-to-end marketing internet analytics systemGryshchenko, Ivan; Shkoda, D.
2022Features of the development of cluster partnership as a new form of quasi-integrative processShkoda, M. S.
2022Methodical aspects of determining the effectiveness of free economic cooperation in the system of cooperation management of higher education institutionsBebko, S.
2021Adaptation of students to research and professional activities based on the use of the university Hackathon ecosystemGoncharenko, I.
2021Smart Grid energy conservation management based on the university's energy innovation HUB of knowledgeVolianyk, O.
2021Development of the innovative potential of young people on the basis of the use of the university Hackathon ecosystemKrakhmalova, N.
2021Using the university's Energy Efficiency Knowledge HUB for energy renovation and energy modernization of university buildingsScherbak, V.
2021Advantages and prospects of co-branding in the Ukrainian marketDudko, P.
2021Diagnosis with the Hackathon ecosystem of the university of the readiness of students for research activitiesArabuli, Svitlana
2021Energy certification and energy audit of higher education as a methodological tool to improve the energy efficiency of the universityHanushchak-Yefimenko, L. M.
2021Organisational approaches to the formation of social responsibility of higher education institutions in the market of educational servicesYatsenko, V.
2021Improving the energy efficiency of buildings by providing better protective structures based on the University's Knowledge HubNifatova, O.
2021Implementing best practices for improving energy efficiency in universitiesGryshchenko, Ivan
2021Determining whether the prototype Hackathon ecosystem for technology transfer in a higher education institution meets the needs of stakeholdersKrakhmalova, N.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 41 до 60 з 190