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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 81 до 100 з 190
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Higher education in Ukraine: reality and perspectivesFastovets, N.
2020Prospective directions of changes in the financial reporting of enterprises in the context of the globalization of the world economyDovbush, V.; Kozhushko, R.
2020Features of formation of the business development management system in the conditions of innovative economyKrakhmalova, T.
2020Innovation and investment vectors to ensure business development in UkraineHotra, V.; Ganushchak, O.
2020Modeling of the cluster organization of development of tourist and recreational business on the basis of marketingGulina, O.
2020Peculiarities of management of insurance company services under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemicVlasenko, O.; Marchenko, S.
2020Application of competitive marketing strategies in brand managementLiang, Rui; Prokopenko, K.; Vovchok, S.
2020Methodological approach to assessing the competitiveness of institutions of higher educationBreus, Svitlana; Khaustova, Yevheniia; Denysenko, Mykola; Bondarenko, Svitlana; Kyrylko, N. M.
2020International branding as a tool of integrated business structures development in UkraineShcherbak, V.; Sviatetska, I.
2020Management of brands’ portfolio positioning of domestic enterprisesDudko, P.
2020Human capital management in higher education institutionsKozhushko, R.
2020Improvement of the public-private partnership system in the road transport services marketLaponoh, D.
2020University rebranding as an effective tool of competitionScherbak, V.; Shevchenko, O.
2020The current state of innovation and technology transfer in UkraineNifatova, O.; Sviatetskyi, V.
2020Priorytetowe kierunki efektywnosci zarzadzania innowacyjnym rozwojem struktur integrowanych w podziale rejonowIzdebska, N.
2020National innovative transport HUB as a system of state regulation of innovative development of transport infrastructureDmytriieva, O.
2020Use of price marketing in exhibition activitiesKrakhmalova, N.
202090 years – historical formation of brand capital of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD)Gryshchenko, Ivan
2020Methodological aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of management of innovation and investment activities of enterprisesKrakhmalova, T.
2019E-commerce as a factor of innovative development of enterprisesDudko, P.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 81 до 100 з 190