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dc.contributor.authorLebedieva, Svitlana-
dc.identifier.citationLebedieva S. Challenges and prospects for modern university students / S. Lebedieva // Theoretical and practical scientific achievements: research and results of their implementation : collection of scientific papers "SCIENTIA" with Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, Pisa, Italian Republic, October 27, 2023. – Pisa, Italian Republic : International Center of Scientific Research, 2023. – Р. 103-104.uk
dc.description.abstractThis paper highlights the importance of engaging stakeholders, integrating teaching and research, and developing students' essential skills in time management, critical thinking, and effective communication.uk
dc.publisherNGO International Center of Scientific Researchuk
dc.subjectstakeholders engagemenetuk
dc.subjectproject-based teachinguk
dc.subjectthird missionuk
dc.subjectcritical thinkinguk
dc.titleChallenges and prospects for modern university studentsuk
local.subject.sectionСоціально-гуманітарні наукиuk
local.subject.facultyІнститут права та сучасних технологійuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра філології та перекладу (ФП)uk
local.conference.locationPisa, Italian Republicuk
local.conference.nameTheoretical and practical scientific achievements: research and results of their implementationuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра філології та перекладу (ФП)
Матеріали наукових конференцій та семінарів

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