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dc.contributor.authorMelnik, L.-
dc.contributor.authorKyzymchuk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorGolikova, O.-
dc.identifier.citationMelnik L. The investigation of compression hosiery / L. Melnik, O. Kyzymchuk, O. Golikova // 7th international scientific – professional conference TEXTILE SCIENCE AND ECONOMY, 25-31 May 2015, Zrenjanin, Serbia. Book of proceedings. – P. 66-70.uk
dc.description.abstractNumerous studies around the world emphasize the unconditional impact of compression therapy as prevention of varicose veins, of trophic ulcers healing and other problems. Therefore, the development of new knitted materials for prevention and rehabilitation of anatomical forms and functions of the human body is an important issue as for medicians as for textile researchers. The purpose of this research work is to study the structure parameters and the properties of compression hosiery for compliance with the standard requirements and for providing the necessary therapeutic effect. The compression stockings for women have been produced on circular knitting machine «Lonati» (Italy) with a special supply for elastomeric yarn. The single backed weft knitting have been chosen for stocking manufacturing. Researches of structures parameters and deformation characteristics of stretch fabric, as well as an influence of wet-heat treatments on the properties of compression hosiery have been carried out. The investigation of structure parameters and physical and mechanical properties of compression hosiery is establishing their conformity to the standard.uk
dc.publisherVII International scientific – professional conference “TEXTILE SCIENCE AND ECONOMY”uk
dc.subjectelastomeric yarnuk
dc.subjectcompression hosieryuk
dc.subjectstructure parametersuk
dc.subjectdeformation characteristicsuk
dc.subjectweft knittinguk
dc.subjectsingle backed interloopinguk
dc.subjectеластомерна ниткаuk
dc.subjectпанчішні компресійні виробиuk
dc.subjectпараметри структуриuk
dc.subjectдеформаційні характеристикиuk
dc.subjectкулірний трикотажuk
dc.subjectодинарний трикотаж футерованих переплетеньuk
dc.subjectэластомерная нитьuk
dc.subjectчулочные компрессионные изделияuk
dc.subjectпараметры структурыuk
dc.subjectдеформационные характеристикиuk
dc.subjectкулирный трикотажuk
dc.subjectодинарный трикотаж футерованих переплетенийuk
dc.titleThe investigation of compression hosieryuk
dc.title.alternativeДослідження компресійних панчішно-шкарпеткових виробівuk
dc.title.alternativeИсследование компрессионных чулочно-носочных изделийuk
local.contributor.altauthorМельник, Л.М.-
local.contributor.altauthorКизимчук, О. П.-
local.contributor.altauthorГолікова, О. Я.-
local.contributor.altauthorМельник, Л. М.-
local.contributor.altauthorКизимчук, Е. П.-
local.contributor.altauthorГоликова, О. Я.-
local.subject.facultyФакультет індустрії модиuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Матеріали наукових конференцій та семінарів
Кафедра технології моди (ТМ)

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