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Назва: Organizational and economic mechanism of a business security as a guarantee of its sustainable development
Автори: Tkachenko, V.
Tkachenko, I.
Puzyrova, Polina
Klochko, A.
Ключові слова: economic security
business security
organizational and economic mechanism
Дата публікації: жов-2019
Бібліографічний опис: Organizational and economic mechanism of a business security as a guarantee of its sustainable development [Електронний ресурс] / V. Tkachenko, I. Tkachenko, P. Puzyrova, A. Klochko // Virtual Economics. – 2019. – Vol. 2, No. 4. – Р. 71-85. – Режим доступу: https://virtual-economics.eu/index.php/VE/article/view/35
Source: Virtual Economics
Виртуальная экономика
Короткий огляд (реферат): In the process of the writing of this article, it was established that the organizational and economic mechanism of a business security ensuring involves the use of various techniques, methods, and tools. Their combination is necessary to ensure a reliable security system and stable sustainable development of a business activity as a whole. It has been established that enterprises of different sizes, types, volumes of activity possess unequal organizational and financial capabilities. In addition, various is the level of risk under which business entities are engaged. However, the conclusion is definite that the implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the enterprise security ensuring is vital in financial and economic aspects and can be organized in different business areas in different ways. It is proved that the security mechanism action from the point of view of financial and economic aspect implies enterprise adaptation to innovations under the following conditions: the innovations are to be maximally ready for implementation; the motivation to implement them is the need to protect the enterprise interests; the probability of obtaining a positive result in the implementation of innovations should be high. It has been established that significant factors in the process of increasing the level of a business security are the financial and economic measures, which aim to cover losses and to eliminate the causes of their occurrence, to recover (preserve) the liquidity and solvency, to reduce the amount of debt, to improve the working capital structure, etc. It is proved that further research in the field of planning and implementation of tactical measures for ensuring the financial and economic security of business is needed. It is aimed at the assessment and analysis of the level of a business security and its dynamics, which will allow to determine the effectiveness of the implemented measures; an assessment of the efficiency of utilization of the enterprise financial potential, which is the main basis for the implementation of measures to ensure the organizational and economic mechanism of a business security. Since the implementation of organizational and economic tools into the security field often requires the allocation of significant financial resources and opportunities (financial potential), the substantiation of scientific recommendations for assessing cost-effectiveness become significant. It was found that the organizational and economic mechanism of a business security ensuring would effectively use corporate resources, create preconditions for achieving business targets, timely identify and optimize all possible hazards, threats, and risks of the enterprise activity in the conditions of acute competition and changing environment. It is recommended to propose the following measures to enhance business security: development and implementation of security system (structure) in business processes of the enterprise activity; improvement and optimization of the existing enterprise security service; business security outsourcing services; services of the enterprise personnel security; provision of services to provide economic and internal security of the enterprise; providing necessary data and information for the business functioning security insurances; checking (auditing) of existing security services of enterprises for their effective work and reliability; services for the enterprise security employees training (advanced training); personnel selection of professionally trained staff for the enterprise security service.
DOI: 10.34021/ve.2019.02.04(4)
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15547
Faculty: Факультет економіки та бізнесу
Department: Кафедра підприємництва та бізнесу
ISSN: 2657-4047
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації (статті)
Кафедра підприємництва та бізнесу (ПБ)

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